AUGUST 14-16, 2023

Try-outs take place daily on August 14-16, 2023.
Location: Mounds View HS
Times: 10:00am-12:00pm
TBD Goalkeeper Tryout
Teams posted no later than TBD on August 17, 2023
All Try-out sessions are mandatory.
Wear a WHITE shirt each day.
Dates: August 14-16
MEET on the grass fields
Times: 10:00-12:00
TBD Goalkeeper Tryout
Goalkeeper specific: TBD @ Mounds View HS - Grass Fields
What to Wear: WHITE shirt each day, black shorts/black socks (no club crests/affiliations)
What to Bring: Water, cleats, shin guards, positive attitude and hard work ethic
What to Expect: Players will be given an assigned number band to velcro on their
right calf during try-outs. These will be turned in after each session and picked up prior to the start of each session. They do not go home with players.
Session 1 : Warm-Up, technical portion, Fitness Testing / Mustang Relays
Time TBD: Goalkeeper session
Session 2: Warm-Up, technical portion, small-sided activities and scrimmaging (8v8/9v9/11v11)
Fitness Breakdown by Day
Day 1: evaluated within Scrimmaging
Day 2: 20-Yard Sprint / evaluated within scrimmaging
Rosters will be posted Thursday, August 17 by TBD pm. If we feel we can form teams prior to this, we will do so. Team Snap invitations will follow shortly after teams are posted. Please accept this invitation(s) immediately to have direct access to your team schedule for the season.
Will Everyone Make a Team?
While it is a hope to provide a team for all players to play this fall, we are uncertain at this time if we will be able to do so. In the event we do not place all players, any middle school players will automatically be ineligible to participate per district policy.
AUGUST Date TBD Time TBD @ MVHS - Player & Parent Mandatory Meeting
The following criteria will be used to determine team selection:
* Technical Ability
* Tactical understanding of the game
* Fitness level
* Coach-ability
* Attitude and work ethic
* Respect for teammates, coaching staff, the program and school
* Physical and mental stamina
* Positional and Team needs
* Overall impact on the team
2021 team placement does not determine placement for 2022. All players must try out for placement across all levels. Cuts at anyl level are possible. We do our best to place every player and can typically avoid making any cuts. in the events cuts are made, this will be communicated directly to the players based on registration numbers. Movement during the season are possible, but should not be expected. Expect teams of 18-22 players.
Fitness Testing
All MVGS players are expected to come in fit and complete the fitness testing outlined during the week of try-outs. Part of the Varsity evaluation, players must be able to demonstrate they are fit within scrimmaging and fitness testing.
* Summer Strength Programs will help prepare players for this testing.
Exceptions may be made in unique circumstances related to injury or personal reasons that may prevent a player from completing an expected fitness standard during the week of tryouts. Any excused participation will be communicated between the coach(es) and players directly. All players are expected to complete the testing once determined able to participate and/or cleared of injury. Any Varsity level players that miss the fitness testing requirements must meet them at a time determined by the coaches and athletic training staff.
How your fitness level affects you…
Fitness is the foundation of health and athletic performance. Without a solid fitness foundation, you put yourself at risk for over-training, injury and possible burnout during our fall season.
Coming in fit will make you feel strong, confident and be more resilient. You will be more prepared to face both the physical and mental challenges that are ahead of us this season. Soccer will be more fun when you are fit.
How your fitness level affects your team…
Coming into training camp unfit, instantly puts you a step behind your fit teammates on the field. It will affect your ability to play the game at the highest level. This in turn affects your team. As a team we value hard work done selflessly for each other.
Embracing this requires you to do the work this summer to make sure that you are ready to help your team. Your fitness level reflects your commitment level to your team.
2022 Physical Form
A copy of a sports qualifying physical exam is required prior to registration for all Athletic teams. If you plan to participate on one of these teams, please provide the Activities Office with a copy of your most recent physical exam. Please note that it takes a minimum of 24 hours from the time we receive the physical for it to upload into FeePay, our online registration system. Physicals are valid for 3 years from the date of the exam. Parents can check the current status of their child’s physical through their ParentVUE account by selecting the Student Info tab. The physical date is located at the bottom of the page.
Physicals may be sent to the Activities Office through any of the following options:
E-mail: cindy.mccallum@moundsviewschools.org
Activities Office Fax: 651-621-7105
Mail to:
Mounds View Activities Office – Sports Physicals
1900 Lake Valentine Rd.
Arden Hills, MN 55112
FREE Preseason Sports Physicals
For high school students and incoming freshmen
Hosted by Summit Orthopedics
Summit Orthopedic3580 Arcade St S, Vadnais Heights, MN 55127
Tuesday, July 20 from 5 to 8 p.m.​
Irondale High School: Multipurpose Room 105, 2425 Long Lake Road, New Brighton, MN 55125
Wednesday, July 21st from 5 to 8 p.m.
Walk-ins are welcome.
Jessica Minor
710 Commerce Drive | Suite 200 | Woodbury, MN 55125
Phone (651) 968-5708 | fax (651) 968-5904
2021 Mustang Relay Winners

Overall Winners: Ella Herbert, Berit Hudson, Jess Eischens, Ava Westlund, Ana Ranallo

Seniors: Ana Ranallo, Ella Herbert, Ava Westlund
Juniors: Jess Eischens, Celine Klum, Ali Habisch, Berit Hudson
Sophmores: Sierra Swallen, Amelia Gregory, MacKenzie Hanna, Lauren Ballinger
Freshman: Abrie Vasquez, Liliana Peleska, Veronica Warren, Lily Ayd
Push Ups
Grade winners
9th Aubrie Vasquez (30)
10th Sierra Swallen (45)
11th Jessica Eischens (73)
12th Ava Westlund (77)
Push-ups Program winner: Ava Westlund
Grade winners
9th Samantha Ebbers (3 min)
10th MacKenzie Hanna (5 min 3 sec)
11th Celine Klum (5 min)
12th Ella Herbert (20 min 3 sec)
Plank Program winner: Ella Herbert
40 - yard sprint
Grade winners
9th Liliana Peleska & Aubrie Vasquez (5.94)
10th Amelia Gregory (5.38)
11th Ali Habisch (5.4)
12th Ava Westlund (5.31)
40 - yard Sprint Program winner: Ava Westlund
Sit ups
Grade winners
9th Lily Ayd (53)
10th Amelia Gregory (59)
11th Berit Hudson (67)
12th Ella Herbert (63)
Sit ups Program winner: Berit Hudson
Grade winners
9th Aubrie Vasquez & Veronica Warren (47)
10th Sierra Swallen (237)
11th Celine Klum (237)
12th Ana Ranallo (1,400)
Juggling Program winner: Ana Ranallo
Juggling Top 5 in Program
1. Ana Ranallo (1,400)
2. Charlotte Deibert (247)
3. Celine Klum (237)
4. Sierra Swallen (237)
5. Amelia Gregory (186)